Community Impact Plan

Planned Action — Accountable Results

Friends of Engin Akyürek has been in operation for a short time (our corporation bylaws having been adopted in August 2022). As we have a chance to prove our intent with actionable results, we will share more information here in the coming time. We invite you to visit us here periodically for a glimpse of how we are progressing. We will also post organizational and partner statements as to how we are performing along with team metrics related to our job performance as a charitable nonprofit. Our aim is to continuously improve and gain from insight received, therefore we invite you to provide any feedback you may have using our contact form.

2023 Earthquake Relief

During the early morning hours of February 6, 2023, the lives of countless Turkish citizens were rocked to the core from a powerful earthquake. The southern Türkiye region and bordering Syria experienced wide scale massive devastation, immeasurable loss, suffering and damage.
Shortly after daybreak, Engin Akyürek made a call to his friends to lend a hand to his beautiful country. Team Friends of Engin Akyürek immediately mobilized our supporters and we sent sizable donations to assist the people of Türkiye.
We will continue to contribute to the noble efforts of all those working to bring back the grace and beauty of the beautiful country and its strong, amazing people.

Flexible Press and Friends of Engin Partner; Release Book Silence

The first English edition of Silence [Sessizlik], 21 short stories authored by globally renowned Turkish actor Engin Akyürek, will reach an eager readership and release on April 4, 2023. Bringing this publication to the public are boutique publisher Flexible Press and charitable nonprofit Friends of Engin Akyürek.
The acclaimed collection of short stories has been translated into several languages, with this edition exclusively for the United States, its Territories and Canadian audience.
“We couldn’t be more excited to work with Friends of Engin on our shared missions of bringing Engin Akyürek to new audiences,” said William Burleson, publisher and executive editor for Flexible Press. “Building bridges and building connections between cultures is what our organizations–and I believe Mr. Akyürek–are all about.”
Fareen Effendi, President and Founder of Friends of Engin Akyürek said, “The opportunity to work with such a talented organization rooted in its cause for change is a genuine pleasure. My team and I look forward to a long, positive synergy of meaningful social impact.” Her nonprofit organization supports the people of Türkiye in honor of Mr. Akyürek.
Silence [Sessizlik] offers a glimpse of Turkish culture through stories of daily life penned by Engin Akyürek and translated by Doina L. Kovalik and Atiye Erden. Global attention is centered on Türkiye after a series of earthquakes in the southeastern region and Syria caused catastrophic damage and devastating loss of human life.
Preorders are available at book retailers. A portion of sale proceeds supports social causes. For more information contact: